Trans stories - Lost in the battle of the sexes
- Trans stories - Lost in the battle of the sexes
- 2023-07-16T13:00:00+02:00
- 2023-07-16T17:00:00+02:00
- workshop with filmmaker Pradipta Ray
- Wann 16.07.2023 von 13:00 bis 17:00
- Wo vhs mitte, Linienstraße 162, 10115 Berlin, room 1.12
- Name des Kontakts VHS Mitte
- Web Externe Webseite besuchen
Veranstaltet von
VHS Mitte
The workshop contains:
- brief history of popular Hindi films
- dicussions the gender roles and watching films
Pradipta Ray will talk about the largest film industry in the world. Hindi cinema is not only one of the largest entertainment industries but also a powerful and rare documentation of the social and cultural changes in this complex and diverse nation called India. Hindi cinema has indeed unconsciously or consciously documented the social changes that India has undergone since cinema came to India. Understanding the gender roles would further facilitate the understanding of the positioning of the transgenders in the social fabric and why they are outnumbered in the battle of the sexes.
Pradipta Ray (preferred pronouns she/her) is a Filmmaker, Animator and Educationist based in Mumbai, India. As a filmmaker she has written and directed 4 short films. Her latest film ‘Muhafiz’ had its world premiere at LGBTQ+ Film Festival BFI Flare 2022, London.
Weitere Informationen
registrations still possible via
Semester: Sommersemester 2023
ZtG-Veranstaltungskategorie: Genderdialog/Podiumsdiskussionen/Weitere