Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien


Scholars and researchers in all career stages and from a wide range of disciplines work at the ZtG. Seventeen disciplines are represented at the ZtG.

  • Continuity in research and teaching is secured through professorships with a partial Gender Studies denomination. 
  • The scholars active at the Center are anchored in their native disciplines. They become secondary members of the ZtG by application. 
  • The ZtG’s administrative team and director provide the coordinative and organizational support necessary to ensure successful transdisciplinary research and teaching.


The Center's Administrative Team


Dr. Gabriele Jähnert Managing Director
Susanne Spintig Programme Coordinator
Amy Visram Administration
Claudia Küster Administration
Lydia Romanowski Computer Lab/Multimedia
Clara Scholz Library/Information/Documentation
Juliane Brauer Student Assistant: Library
Sharon Anthony Student Assistant: Management
Therese Klapper Student Assistant: Program Coordination
Tabea Vohmann Student Assistant: Computer Lab
Ekaterina Kosykh Student Tutor
Gabs Dumfahrt Student Tutor
Women's Representative

Jacqueline Franke


Third Party Funded Projects 


Gendering MINT - didaktisch digital

Dr. habil. Sigrid Schmitz

Judith Schütze

Paula Berth (SHK)

Isa Weber (SHK)


Diversity and Gender Equality (ADOMiS)

Prof. Dr. Mirjam Fischer

Dr. Esto Mader

Lea Luttenberger

Selin Akgöz (SHK)

Celine Vallender (SHK)



An overview of the faculty members and researchers involved in the ZtG is available here