The following is a list of faculty members who are active members of the ZtG.
Professors Research Associates/Lecturers Students Associated Members
Name | Faculty/Department | |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. | Baer, Susanne | Faculty of Law |
Prof. Dr. | Bauhardt, Christine | Faculty of Life Sciences, Agriculture and Horticulture |
Prof. Dr. | Bengert, Martina | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, Romance Literatures and Linguistics |
Prof. Dr. | Benner, Julia | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, German Literature |
Prof. Dr. | Binder, Beate | Faculty of Arts and Humanities, European Ethnology |
Prof. Dr. | Blanck, Jonna M. | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rehabilitation Sciences |
Prof. Dr. | Boesenberg, Eva | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, English and American Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Bruns, Claudia | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Cultural History and Theory |
Prof. Dr. | Cordes, Lisa | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, Classical Philology |
Prof. Dr. | Derichs, Claudia | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Asian and African Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Enderwitz, Anne | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, English and American Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Fischer, Mirjam | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Transdisciplinary Gender Studies |
Prof. Dr. phil. | Gehrmann, Susanne | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Asian and African Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Gerber, Christine | Faculty of Theology |
Prof. Dr. | Goel, Urmila | Faculty of Arts and Humanities, European Ethnology |
Prof. Dr. | Haschemi Yekani, Elahe | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, English and American Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Jasper, Sandra | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Geography |
Prof. Dr. | Kilian, Eveline | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, English and American Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Kindinger, Evangelia | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, English and American Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Kraß, Andreas | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, German Literature |
Prof. Dr. | Kuster, Brigitta | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Cultural History and Theory |
Prof. Dr. | Müller, Mirjam | Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Philosophy |
Prof. Dr. | Palm, Kerstin | Faculty of Arts and Humanities, History |
Prof. Dr. | Pech, Detlef | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Education Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Salikutluk, Zerrin | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences |
Prof. Dr. phil. | Schneider, Nadja Christina | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Asian and African Studies |
Prof. Dr. phil. | Schwalm, Helga | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, English and American Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Seker, Nimet | Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology |
Prof. Dr. | Stedmann, Gesa | Centre for British Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Vedder, Ulrike | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, German Literature |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. | von Schnurbein, Stefanie | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, Scandinavian Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Voß, Christian | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, Slavic Studies an Hungarian Studies |
Prof. Dr. phil. | Wimbauer, Christine | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences |
Prof. Dr. | Windheuser, Jeannette | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Education Studies |
Prof. Dr. | Yurdakul, Gökce | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences |
Research Associates/Lecturers
Name | Faculty/Department | |
Afken, Janin | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, German Literature | |
Altay, Tunay | Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research | |
Blauth, Carolin | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences | |
Dr. | Brückner, Meike | Faculty of Life Sciences, Agriculture and Horticulture |
Dr. | Chesi, Giulia Maria | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, Classical Philology |
PD Dr. | Dahlke, Birgit | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, German Literature |
Degelmann, Christopher | Faculty of Arts and Humanities, History | |
Dvorakk, Elisaveta | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Art and Visual History / Centre for Advanced Study inherit. heritage in transformation | |
Dr. | Ehrmann, Jeanette | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences |
PD Dr. | Fleschenberg dos Ramos Pinéu, Andrea | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Asian and African Studies |
Függer-Vagts, Johanna | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Art and Visual History | |
Dr. | Heft, Kathleen | University Library of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Dr. | Jürjens, Kira | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, German Literature |
Köhler, Jasmin | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, German Literature | |
PD PD Dr. phil. habil. | Köhne, Julia | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Cultural History and Theory |
Kreutz, Simone | Faculty of Law | |
Dr. | Lux, Katharina | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Education Studies |
Müller, Xenia | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Cultural History and Theory | |
Nagel, Klara | Faculty of Arts and Humanities, European Ethnology | |
Nordmann, Stefanie | Office of the Berlin Equal Opportunities Program (BCP) | |
Potjans, Anne | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, English and American Studies | |
Ristic Kern, Tijana | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, English and American Studies | |
Dr. habil. | Schmitz, Sigrid | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Transdisciplinary Gender Studies |
Dr. | Schoonheim, Liesbeth | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences |
Dr. | Strutz, Julia | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Asian and African Studies |
Dr. | Sußner, Petra | Faculty of Law |
Dr. | Teschlade, Julia | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences |
Tronina, Dominika | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences | |
Verlinden, Jasper J. | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, English and American Studies | |
Dr. | Wielowiejski, Patrick | Faculty of Arts and Humanities, European Ethnology |
Abissa, Elo | MA Cultural History and Theory |
Dünkel, Mia | BA Gender Studies |
Geymeier, Nicki | European Ethnology/Gender Studies |
Günther , Felicitas | Philosophy/Gender Studies |
Kiehne, Sarusch | MA Gender Studies |
Rau, Orjan (Clara) | BA Gender Studies |
Westendorf, Sanya | Philosophy/Gender Studies |
Associated Members
Prof. Dr. Bath, Corinna (TU Braunschweig und Ostfalia) |
Beketova, Masha (Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. Benthien, Claudia (Universität Hamburg) |
Dr. Bergmann, Sven (Universität Bremen) |
Dr. Berkel, Irene (Universität Innsbruck) |
Bittner, Melanie (Berlin) |
PD Dr. Bock von Wülfingen, Bettina (Berlin) |
Böhmelt, Agnes (Berlin/Universität Regensburg) |
Prof. Dr. Braun, Christina von (Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. Breger, Claudia (Columbia University NYC, USA) |
Brettin, Suse (HU Berlin, Promotionsstudentin) |
Prof. Dr. Brunner, Claudia (Universität Klagenfurt) |
Prof. Dr. i.R. Brunotte, Ulrike (Universität Maastricht, apl. Prof. Humboldt Universität) |
Dr. Brusberg-Kiermeier, Stefani (Universität Hildesheim) |
Dr. Burkhardt, Anke (Institut für Hochschulforschung an der MLU Halle-Wittenberg) |
Büter, Merle (FU Berlin) |
Dr. Carl, Andrea-Hilla (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin, Harriet Taylor Mill-Institut) |
Prof. Dr. Carri, Christiane (HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Schweiz) |
Prof. Deuber-Mankowsky, Astrid (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) |
Prof. Dr. em. Dölling, Irene (Berlin) |
Dr. Drauschke, Petra (Berlin) |
Eirich, Carolin (HU Berlin, Studentin) |
Dr. Engel, Antke (Institut für Queer Theory Berlin/Hamburg) |
Dr. Frey, Michael (Berlin) |
PD Dr. Frietsch, Ute (Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel) |
Dr. Frisch, Katrin (Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. Gohrisch, Jana (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover) |
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Grenz, Sabine (Universität Wien) |
Dr. Haller, Lisa Yashodhara (Institut für Sozialforschung Frankfurt a.M.) |
Prof. Dr. Harders, Levke (Universität Innsbruck) |
Dr. Hertzfeldt, Hella (Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. em. Hof, Renate (Berlin) |
Hohmann, Carolin (Universität Münster) |
Prof. Dr. Hoppe, Ilaria (Katholische Privat-Universität Linz) |
Hrzán, Daniela (Hannover) |
Hümmler, Lilian (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) |
Dr. Husmann, Jana (FernUniversität in Hagen/Campus Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. Junker, Carsten (Technische Universität Dresden) |
Kämpf, Katrin M. (KHM Köln) |
Prof. Dr. Kaya, Asiye (Hochschule Mittweida) |
Keller, Helen (HU Berlin, Promotionsstudentin) |
Prof. Dr. Kerner, Ina (Universität Koblenz Landau) |
Klimroth, Susanne (HU Berlin, Promotionsstudentin) |
Dr. Klöppel, Ulrike (Universität Heidelberg; European HIV/AIDS Archive) |
Körner, Christine (HU Berlin, Promotionsstudentin) |
Dr. Kriszio, Marianne (Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. Langer, Phil C. (IPU Berlin) |
Lege, Nora (HU Berlin, Promotionsstudentin) |
Dr. Li, Yumin (Berlin/Halle) |
Linek, Leoni (Bundesstiftung Gleichstellung) |
Prof. Dr. Lorey, Isabell (Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln) |
Prof. Dr. em. Lundt, Bea (University of Education, Winneba, Ghana) |
Prof. Dr. Maier, Christl (Philipps-Universität Marburg) |
Prof. Dr. Malich, Lisa (Universität zu Lübeck) |
Prof. Dr. Mathes, Bettina (New York, USA) |
Dr. Mazukatow, Alik (Universität zu Lübeck) |
Meshkova, Ksenia (HU Berlin, Promotionsstudentin) |
Dr. Michaelis, Beatrice (Max-Planck-Institut für Demografische Forschung Rostock) |
Prof. Dr. Micus-Loos, Christiane (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel) |
Moser, Marcia (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main) |
Müller, L. J. (Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. Nickel, Hildegard Maria (Berlin) |
Dr. Opitz-Wiemers, Carola (Berlin) |
Dr. Papenburg, Bettina (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) |
Prof. Dr. Peinl, Iris (EBC Hochschule Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. Peukert, Almut (Universität Hamburg) |
Prof. Dr. Pfahl, Lisa (Universität Innsbruck) |
Dr. Pratchett, Lee J. (ehem. Institut f. Asien-/Afrikawiss., HU Berlin) |
Dr. Prickett, David (Universität Potsdam) |
Dr. Redecker, Eva von (ehem. HU Berlin) |
Reichel, Ute (Berlin) |
Reicherdt, Babette (Universität Kassel) |
Dr. Reisener, Marius (Universität Bonn) |
Ruschhaupt, Ulla (Berlin) | Sardadvar, Karin (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) |
Dr. Sauer, Arn (Bundesstiftung Gleichstellung) |
PD Dr. Schäfer, Rita (Essen) |
Dr. des. Scheele, Sebastian (Berlin) |
Schellenberg, Diana (TU Berlin) |
Schlender, Alicia (HU Berlin, Promotionsstudentin) |
Prof. Dr. Schlichter, Annette (University of California Irvine, USA) |
Dr. Schmechel, Corinna (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) |
Prof. Dr. Siebenpfeiffer, Hania (Philipps Universität Marburg) |
Prof. Dr. Smykalla, Sandra (ASH Berlin) |
Dr. Solovey, Vanya (TGEU, Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. em. Stephan, Inge (Berlin) |
PD Dr. Stompe, Annelie (Berlin) |
Dr. Straube, Wibke (Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. Streisand, Marianne (Berlin) |
Thorn, Christiane (, Potsdam) |
Prof. Dr. Trinca, Beatrice (FU Berlin) |
Dr. Tudor, Alyosxa (SOAS, University of London) |
PD Dr. Unfer Lukoschik, Rita (Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. Uppenkamp, Bettina (HFBK Hamburg) |
Dr. Varino, Sofia (Uni Potsdam/HU Berlin/FU Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. Verch, Johannes (ASH Berlin) |
Dr. Vogt-William, Christine (Universität Bayreuth) |
Vollhardt, Mascha Marlene (Berlin) |
Prof. Dr. Walgenbach, Katharina (FernUniversität in Hagen) |
Weise, Susanne (PRiNa) |
Wirth, Sven (HU Berlin, Promotionsstudent) |
Dr. Younes, Anna-Esther (Universität Amsterdam/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, KITLV) |
Dr. Yun, Shin-Hyang (Cultural Musicologist, Berlin) |