We are particularly interested in informing the public about current projects of the ZtG and the research foci and results of the scientists working at the HU in the field of Gender Studies.
You can gain an initial overview by reading our ZtG brochure.
Informational Materials
Upon request, we are happy to provide further information on the ZtG, gender studies degree programs at HU, or on our doctoral research group, Gender as a Category of Knowledge (Geschlecht als Wissenskategorie). Many materials are available in bilingual English-German format.
Press Releases and Mailing List
Information about our current events, publications, and research is regularly distributed over our mailing list. If you would like to receive our newsletter, please write us at Please note, however, that the primary working language of the ZtG is German and, therefore, emails are distributed in German without translation.
In our Pressespiegel you will find chronologically ordered press releases and newspaper articles about ZtG events and affiliates. All press releases and newspaper articles as well as our mailing list emails are in German.
We would also like to refer to selected press releases in which Gender Studies are related to field or research perspectives.
Publications and Research Results
You can find information about the ZtG and its members’ publications through the Gender Library. Many materials, however, are only available in German.