Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien


The ZtG is a transdisciplinary, academic institution that is a part of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. It is governed by its own board, and its bylaws regulate decision making within the Center.
In accordance with the transdiscipinary orientation of the Center, scholars and students from many disciplines conduct work at the ZtG. They typically remain anchored in their primary discipline, and belong to the ZtG through a secondary membership. This is also true for professors who possess a partial-denomination in Gender Studies and whose positions are partly financed by the ZtG.
Our offices provide the organizational support that makes research and study at the ZtG possible.

Members of the Center
  • All members of the HU community with a secondary membership in the ZtG,
  • All students in the gender studies master’s, bachelor’s concentration, bachelor’s minor, or the Magister programs,
  • Associates of the Center.
The ZtG’s work is organized through:
  • The chairpersons of the ZtG,
  • A team of a director, secretary, academic coordinator, gender library, and multi-media service,
  • The Center Board (Zentrumsrat),
  • The General Commission of Gender Studies in the Faculties (die Gemeinsame Kommission Geschlechterstudien der Fakultäten),
  • Various working groups,
  • The Gender Studies program’s Student Council.


Secondary Membership in the ZtG

Members of the HU who are involved in gender studies research and teaching are welcome to become secondary members of the ZtG.

With a secondary membership in the ZtG scholars and students can demonstrate their interest in inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching relating to gender studies.

A secondary membership in the ZtG does not change anything about the member’s status in their primary faculty or institute. However, it does open the opportunity to vote in the decision making bodies of the ZtG, particularly in the Center Council.

The membership application must be agreed to by the chair or the faculty council of the applicant’s primary discipline, as well as by the Center Council of the ZtG.

If you are interested, please send your application for membership to:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien
Z.H. Dr. Gabriele Jähnert
Georgenstraße 47
10099 Berlin

Associate Membership

Individuals who are not a part of the HU community or who are not enrolled in gender studies as a major can become associate members.

We keep associate members informed about what’s new at the Center so that they can work closely with us. We are especially interested in supporting up-and-coming researchers who are not yet affiliated with a faculty or institute.

An associate membership is granted by the Center Council based on a letter of intent by the applicant. Associate membership does not carry with it any privileges or rights of membership in the HU community.

If you are interested in becoming an associate members of the ZtG, please send an email to Gabriele Jähnert.



Many departments have professors who choose to affiliate with the ZtG. But to help ensure that certain disciplinary fields are always included in the academic offerings at the Center, we co-sponsor several professorships. This means that the positions are determined as either fully or partially denominated gender studies professorships, rather than as voluntary affiliates. A portion of junior professorships are financed via the Berlin Program for Equal Opportunity for Women in research and teaching.

Visualisation of fully or partially denominated professorships as well as junior professorships in Gender Studies (2021)

Currently, the following professors hold Gender Studies positions:

  • Baer, Susanne, Professor of Public Law and Gender Studies (on leave since 1 February 2011 to serve as constitutional judge, Bundesverfassungsrichterin)
  • Bauhardt, Christine, Professor of Gender and Globalization at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
  • Bengert, Martina, Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, Romance Studies
  • Binder, Beate, Professor of European Ethnology and Gender Studies
  • Bruns, Claudia, Professor for History of Knowledge and Gender Studies 
  • Jasper, Sandra, Professor of Geography og Gender Relation in Human-Environmental Systems 
  • Kuster, Brigitta, Professor of Cultural Studies and Gender Studies
  • Salikutluk, Zerrin, Professor of Migration and Gender
  • Vedder, Ulrike, Professor of New German Literature from the 18th Century to the Present and Theory and Methodology of Literary Sciences and Gender Studies
  • Wimbauer, Christine, Professor of Labor Sociology and Gender Relations
  • Windheuser, Jeannette, Professor of Education Studies with a Focus on Gender and Diversity

Beyond this, there is a series of other professors who do work within the field of Gender Studies, although they are not formally Gender Studies professors. They are:

  • Boesenberg, Eva, American Studies (Literature and Economics, Intersectionality, “Race”/Ethnicity and Gender, Athletics)
  • Gehrmann, Susanne, African Studies (African Literature, Gender in the Literary Sphere, (Post)Colonial Violence)
  • Enderwitz, Anne, English Studies (Gender Studies in Early Modern Literature and Culture)
  • Haschemi Yekani, Elahe (English and American Literature and Culture with an emphasize on Postcolonial Studies)
  • Kilian, Eveline, British Studies (Gender Theory, Queer, Transgender)
  • Kindinger, Evangelia, American Studies (Critical Whiteness Studies, Feminism, Intersectionality)
  • Kraß, Andreas, German Studies (as well as the Archive for Sexology)
  • Pech, Detlef, Educational Science (Masculinity, Youth Work)
  • Schnurbein, Stefanie von, Scandinavian Studies (Masculinity Studies, Gender Discourse in Scandinavian Literature)
  • Stedman, Gesa, The Center for Great Britain (Cultural Transfer and Gender in the Early Modern Period)


Past professors and positions:

  • Auga, Ulrike, Professor of Theology and Gender Studies
  • Auma, Maisha, Visiting Professor at the Institute for Education and the ZtG
  • von Braun, Christina, Professor for Cultural Studies with a focus on Gender Studies and History
  • Chakkalakal, Silvy, Professor of European Ethnology and Gender Studies
  • Hof, Renate, Professor for American Literary and Cultural Studies
  • Hornscheidt, Lann, Professor for Gender Studies and Language Analysis at the ZtG
  • Ingenschay, Dieter, Romance Studies (Gay Studies)
  • Kerner, Ina, Junior Professor for Diversity Politics
  • Lembke, Ulrike, Professor of Public Law and Gender Studies
  • Mikkola, Mari, Philosophy (feminist Philosophy, Pornography)
  • Nickel, Hildegard Maria, Professor for Labor Sociology and Gender Relations
  • Palm, Kerstin, Professor for Gender and Science/ Natural Science and Gender Studies at the History Department
  • Stephan, Inge, Professor for New German Literature, with focus on problematics of Gender in the literary process