Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien


The Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at Humboldt Universität cooperates extensively with universities in Berlin, Gender Studies departments throughout the German speaking world, and academic and research institutions across the globe. In addition, the ZtG works intensively with various non-university institutions and academic organizations. Active international cooperation is especially important to the ZtG. Exchanges through the EU-sponsored ERASMUS program, as well as with many more non-EU university partners, are a vital part of our international program. Through these exchanges, advanced students and scholars have the opportunity to broaden their intellectual interests, to discuss their research in an international forum, and to develop their professional networks.
At the ZtG visiting scholars find a supportive environment in which they can pursue their research interests. We also invite them to become a more integral part of our community by helping to organize and conduct our colloquiums, conferences, and seminars.
Students and scholars who choose to come to the ZtG for a semester (or two) of study have the opportunity to take part in courses held in both German and English. We strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone affiliated with the center.
The ZtG is an active member of local, national, and international associations. Among others, these include: afg, KEG, Gender Studies Association, AtGender and WINE as well RINGS. Many of our ZtG affiliates are further supported in their teaching and research projects by third-party partner organizations.



The ZtG cooperates with national and international organizations that offer or coordinate gender studies programs, as well as organizations that specifically address gender issues in the politics of higher education, scholarly research, libraries, etc.

This cooperation is based on various memberships and agreements:

  • Networks
  • EU Partnerships (via ERASMUS)
  • Partnerships Beyond the EU




Beyond the EU

The ZtG works with numerous institutions around the world. Our direct cooperations and partnerships through organizations such as the DAAD have given us the opportunity to collaborate with many universities, including:



The ZtG is an active member of many national and international networks. These include the Working Group of Women’s and Gender Institutions at Berlin Universities (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Frauen und Geschlechterforschungseinrichtungen Berliner Hochschulenafg), the Gender Studies Association (Fachgesellschaft Gender Studies), and the Independent Women’s Coalition Berlin — Stadt der Frauen (Überparteiliche Fraueninitiative Berlin - Stadt der FrauenÜPFI).

Internationally, the ZtG has participated in the EU project team, Advanced Thematic Network in European Women’s Studies (Athena II und III) and the Association of Institutions for Feminist Education and Research in Europe (AOIFE) between 2003 and 2009. In 2009 the ZtG became a founding member of the European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation (AtGender).

The ZtG is an international partner of the International Consortium for Interdisciplinary Feminist Research TrainingInterGender.

The ZtG is a founding member of RINGS, The International Research Association of Institutions of Advanced Gender Studies.

The ZtG is an active member of the umbrella organization of Institutions for Women’s and Gender Research in the German-Speaking World (Einrichtungen für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung im deutschsprachigen RaumKEG). The ZtG is also an active member of the Umbrella Organization of German Language Women’s and Lesbian Archives, Libraries and Documentation Centers (i.d.a.), in the Women's Information Network of Europe (WINE), and in the Berlin Women’s and Lesbian Archives Network.

The ZtG was an important part of initiating and developing the networks: afg, KEG, and the Gender Studies Association.

Furthermore, the ZtG and its affiliates participate in third-party funded research and teaching projects that form an additional component of our international networks.