Chia Longman und Sofia Varino: Vulnerable Bodies
- Chia Longman und Sofia Varino: Vulnerable Bodies
- 2016-12-05T18:00:00+01:00
- 2016-12-05T20:00:00+01:00
- Gastvortrag
- Wann 05.12.2016 von 18:00 bis 20:00
- Wo Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Hauptgebäude, Raum 2070 a
- iCal
Veranstaltet von
Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien
Harming the Body: Interrogating the Concept of ‘Harmful Cultural Practices’
by Chia Longman
Harmful cultural practices are often referred to in policy and feminist activist circles as forms of ‘bodily violence or harm’, such as female genital cutting/mutilation, honour related violence, forced marriages, etc. I question whether the notion of HCP is a viable and useful category of comparative analysis and theorisation of gender discriminatory and violent practices across cultural contexts. Or should the term be discarded as epistemically violent due to its genealogy of being embedded in unequal global power relations and colonial and gendered conceptions of ‘tradition’ and the ‘Other’?
Immunological Practices of Toxicity in Chronic Environmental Intolerance
by Sofia Varino
Environmental intolerance is a much debated chronic immune condition in which the body responds to toxic chemicals in the environment with a variety of mild to severely debilitating symptoms. I examine the concept of toxicity as an immunological practice operating in a variety of Environmental Intolerance narratives according to which the body at risk must avoid, manage and process a multiplicity of toxic chemicals that appear to compromise its stability from the outside. I contest this model of a body separate from its surroundings by showing that toxicity is a necessary component of cellular metabolism, and proposing instead a participatory model of immunity where organic and inorganic matter interact in lively and unpredictable ways, thus producing corporeal variability and vulnerability.
Chia Longman
Sofia Varino
Weitere Informationen
ZtG-Veranstaltungskategorie: Ringvorlesungen/Gastvorträge des ZtG