Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien | Veranstaltungen | Veranstaltungsarchiv | Events | Man, Machine, Animal and Monster: the Post-human in Ancient Greek Literature?

Man, Machine, Animal and Monster: the Post-human in Ancient Greek Literature?

  • Wann 27.10.2016 09:00 bis 28.10.2016 14:00
  • Wo Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Institut für Klassische Philologie/Hauptgebäude, Raum 2249a
  • iCal
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Institut für Klassische Philologie der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



Thusday, 27 October

9.00 Registration


9.20 – 9.30

Francesca Spiegel and Giulia Maria Chesi:

Welcome speech / opening address


“Theory” panel

Chair: Marco Formisano (Ghent University)


9.30 – 9.50

Luciano Nuzzo (Università del Salento / Rio de Janeiro University):

The challenge of Foucault and the rise of the monstrous


9.55 – 10.15

Virginia Burrus (Syracuse University):

Hagiography without humans


10.15 – 10.45



10.45 – 11.00



“Lyric and Epic” Panel

Chair: Lucia Prauscello (University of Cambridge);
Alexander Kirichenko (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)


11.00 – 11.20

Marianne Hopman (Northwestern University):

Monstrous refractions in Homer


11.25 – 11.45

Jenny Strauss Clay (University of Virginia):

Typhoeus: Cosmic retrogression


11.45 – 11.55



11.55 – 12.15

Thomas Poiss (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin):

Transcending boundaries. Anthropology and poetics in Pindar’s P. 12


12.20 – 12.40

Aaron Kachuck (University of Cambridge):

Virgil’s Equus Graecus and the Monstrosity of a Literature in Latin


12.40 – 13.30



13.30 – 14.30



“Historiography” Panel

Chair: Markus Asper (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)


14.30 – 14.50

Dunstan Lowe (University of Kent):

The tyranny of the body: Ancient autocracy versus the human form


14.55 – 15.15

Roland Baumgarten (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin):

The sovereign as beast. Images of ancient tyranny


15.15 – 15.30



15.30 – 15.50

Werner Tietz (LMU München):

Monstrosity in Thucydides: From Anecdote to mass phenomenon


15.55 – 16.15

Martin Devecka (University of California Santa Cruz):

Organism, mechanism, magic: Some early Greek histories of technology


16.15 – 17.00




Conference dinner



Friday, 28 October


“Greek Drama” Panel

Chair: Renaud Gagne’ (University of Cambridge);
Susanne Goedde (Freie Universität Berlin)


9.30 – 9.50

Chiara Thumiger (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin):

Animality and illness in Sophocles’ Philoctetes


9.55 – 10.15

Giovanni Ceschi (Liceo Classico Giovanni Prati di Trento):

Διαβόρος νόσος: humans and demonic disease in Greek tragedy


10.20 – 10.40

Nancy Worman (Barnard College, Columbia University):

Tragic “nudity”, necrophilia and the edges of the human in Euripides


10.40 – 11.00



11.00 – 11.20

Robin Mitchell-Boyask (Temple University):

Cyclopean Ajax


11.25 – 11.45

Manuela Giordano (Università della Calabria):

Flocks and monsters from Homer to Aeschylus


11.50 – 12.10

Antonietta Provenza (Università di Palermo):

Human transformations: Pursued by the harassing divine whip or Io the heifer-maiden


12.10  –  13.00



Simon Goldhill (University of Cambridge):

Closing speech


Konzeption und Organisation

Giulia Maria Chesi und Francesca Spiegel



Virginia Burrus (Syracuse University)

Marianne Hopman (Northwestern University)

Jenny Strauss Clay (University of Virginia)

Dunstan Lowe (Kent University)

Nancy Worman (Barnard College)

Robin Mitchell-Boyask (Temple University)


ZtG-Veranstaltungskategorie: Gender-Veranstaltungen der Institute/Fakultäten der HU