Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien

Transdisciplinarity Revisited

  • Wann 13.05.2011 von 09:30 bis 17:30
  • Wo Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dorotheenstraße 24, Seminargebäude, Raum 1.308
  • iCal
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Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in Kooperation mit Genderact



From the very beginning of feminist research in the 1970s, interdisciplinarity was one important programmatic axiom. As a result, Gender Studies in Germany were institutionalised in inter- or transdisciplinary centres and professorships were mostly specialisations within more established disciplines. By now, several generations of students graduated within Gender Studies and recently the Gender Studies Association was founded.

Other European countries such as Sweden and the Netherlands had a different development and Gender Studies were institutionalised as a field in ist own right, whereas in again other countries such as Greece and Portugal the institutionalisation is marginal, even though feminists have intended for a broader institutionalisation. All in all, Gender Studies increasingly fulfill criteria associated to disciplines. These important institutional developments go along with developments of content and coincide with structural changes within academia that are virulent all over Europe.

In this workshop we, therefore, would like to discuss questions that touch on both levels the institutionalisation and content of Gener Studies: What kind of disciplinary mechanisms, hierarchies and boundaries are created within Gender Studies? What impact do current institutional developments have on the project of inter/transdisciplinarity within Gender Studies? And: How threatening are structural changes within academia for Gender Studies?



verschiedene Referentinnen
Angeliki Alvanoudi
Maria Pereira
Iris van der Tuin
Mia Liinasson
Kerstin Alnebratt
Nina Lykke
Lann Hornscheidt


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ZtG-Veranstaltungskategorie: Tagungen/Symposien/Kolloquien/Workshops des ZtG