Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien | Hybrid teaching options for HU Gender Studies at HU Berlin

Hybrid teaching in Gender Studies at HU: Course units and PDF manuals

In the context of the media project "Breaking down hurdles and barriers for hybrid teaching in Gender Studies - during and after the pandemic" (translated title) supported by the Media Commission of the HU from 2022 to 2023, we developed three digital learning units based on the software LernBar, which support teachers in the transdisciplinary field of Gender Studies at the HU in offering and conducting hybrid teaching formats. These learning units are currently available in German language only.

However, within the framework of the project, technical devices for hybrid teaching enablement for different spatial situations could be procured, which can be borrowed via the computer lab area via a pre-registration form and can be used independently with the help of the supplemental-manuals developed in the context of the project. The manuals provided for how to use the hybrid equipment are available in English language PDF-files, too. They are listed and linked below.

Embedded are detailed instructions for the setup of different hybrid scenarios based on the hardware components applied for the project and the teaching room 2.102 in the DOR24 enabled by a fixed smartboard hybrid setup.

Pfeile PDF user guide "Usage options smartboard and hybrid technology in DOR24, 2.102"
Pfeile PDF user guide "Hybrid setup with Logitech Connect" (smaller, simple and compact all-in-one-setup)
Pfeile PDF user guide "Hybrid setup with Logitech Group" (for bigger rooms)
Pfeile PDF user guide "Hybrid setup extension with the Catchbox throwable microphone" (suitable for teaching and group discussions)

Pfeile PDF short info about laptops and further available technical accessories at the ZtG


Pfeile Reservation request for borrowing technical equipment at the computer lab (via online form)


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