Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien

Outgoing Students

The ZtG supports studying abroad, in Europe or internationally. On the HU International's Going Abroad site, you will find information on various exchange programs as well as advice on general questions, application or funding.

Erasmus Host Universities

Gender Studies students can apply to study at various European universities via the ZtG's existing ERASMUS contracts.

NEW: You apply via the MoveOn application portalThe application deadline for the academic year 2024/25 is 31 January 2024

Erasmus+ Europa Stipendium

Differentiation of Erasmus scholarships according to country groups: For information on scholarship rates, please see Erasmus Downloads, Form GA Anhang I und II (only available in German).

INTERNATIONAL - Gender Studies worldwide

The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin also has partnerships with universities in different regions worldwide. Information on this can be found on the HU International website.

A list of universities offering Gender Studies programs, according to the HU's regional structure, can be found on this page.

Every winter semester, we give a talk entitled Information on Studying Abroad in Gender Studies.