Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien

Gender Colloquia at the ZtG

At the ZtG, we test and develop our transdisciplinary working methods through colloquia on gender and gender research. Each semester, we hold at least one full-day colloquium. This gives us the chance to regularly bring students and scholars from across the disciplines together to intensively discuss whatever question has caught our attention.

In the past, we’ve held colloquia on, “Gender and Poverty,” “Traveling Concepts,” “Gender as an Interdependent Category,” “Construction Processes at School from the Perspective of Gender Studies,” “Gendered Objects,” “Collectivity beyond Identity,” "Gender and Islam: Comparative Translregional Perspectivse on Secularly and Religioulsy Justified Gender Discourses," "Biotechnoethics: Mapping (Prospective Bodily Landscapes)," "Self-Determination in Body, Sexual and Reproductive Politics: Potential and Problems," "Change and Diversity in Nazi Concepts of Gender," and "Masculinity and Reproduction - Reproduction of Masculinity."

At irregular intervals ZtG organizes international conferences such as the 6th Annual Conference of Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien e.V. (Association for Gender Studies) "Materialitäten und Geschlecht" as well as the conference "Prekarisierung Unbound? Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Prekarisierungsforschungaus interdisziplinärer Perspektive".

In winter term 2018/19 ZtG hosted the international conference "Care - Migration - Gender. Ambivalent Interdependencies" in cooperation with the institute for European Ethnology and the Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research (BIM).