Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender as a Category of Knowledge

Vojin Saša Vukadinović

PhD Project:

Politics of Resentment. Antifeminism, LeftwingTerrorism, Sex Morals.

Three volumes, 1085 pages. Publication in preparation.



Description of the Project


The historiographical study analyzes a reciprocal Politics of Resentment in the Federal Republic from 1968 onwards. It reconstructs the denunciation of leftwing terrorism as an aftereffect or "excess" of women's liberation - a suspicion broadly voiced by the West German state, various scientists and scholars, as well as the media, throughout the 1970ies. The first volume retraces the development of this hypothesis, which expeditiously evolved into an argument and was then handled as certainty for a while, before eventually disappearing in the early 1980ies. The second volume reverses the perspective and deals with the reception of questions relating to sex and sexuality in the underground, by investigating the history of terrorist organizations and exemplary biographies. Particular attention is given to anti-Zionism - which the study considers to be a repressed part of both the "armed struggle" and the Federal Republic - and its ties to sex morals. Finally, the dissertation examines the reverberation of the aforementioned debate in the memorial culture of the present. 



Vojin Saša Vukadinović studied History, German Literature and Gender Studies at the Universities of Freiburg and Basel. He obtained his PhD from the Free University in Berlin with an extensive study on leftwing terrorism in the Federal Republic, and is working on his second book project (Habilitation) on the origins of the capitalist consciousness in the 20th century. He received a PhD grant by the DFG Research Training Group "Gender as a Category of Knowledge" from 2008-2010, worked as a research/teaching assistant at the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Basel from 2011-2015, and at the Center "History of Knowledge" at the University of Zürich & ETH Zürich from 2015-2017. In 2018/2019, he is teaching at Humboldt University of Berlin.


Selected Publications


(ed.), Die Schwarze Botin. Ästhetik, Kritik, Polemik, Satire, 1976-1980, Göttingen 2020. 

(ed.), Zugzwänge. Flucht und Verlangen, Berlin 2020.

(Hg.), Freiheit ist keine Metapher. Antisemitismus, Migration, Rassismus, Religionskritik, Berlin 2018. 

„‚Let me make one thing perfectly clear’. Richard Nixon and the language of transparency“, in: Jens-Ivo Engels/Frédéric Monier (Hg.), History of Transparency in Politics and Society, Göttingen 2020, S. 121-135.    

„Eine der Seltenen. Zu Sarah Schumann (1933-2019)“, in: Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 2020, Göttingen 2020, S. 209-217.    

„Das rassistische Bedürfnis. Gender-Theorie, xenophile Projektion, narzisstische Kränkung“, in: Till Randolf Amelung (Hg.), Irrwege. Analysen aktueller queerer Politik, Berlin 2020, S. 309-357.

