Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender as a Category of Knowledge

Dr. Beatrice Michaelis

PhD Project:

(Dis)Articulations of Desire as Silencing Effects in Scientific and Literary Texts on Sexual Desire, Gender, and Bodies in the High and Late Middle Ages



Description of the Project


My dissertation offers an analysis of rhetorical strategies, narrative structures, and discursive formations found in medieval literary and scientific (theological, natural philosophical, medical, and judicial) texts on gender, sexual desire, and bodies. Both contexts of knowledge are bound to a specific language economy, particularly when normative formations are produced and stabilized through the rejection of non-normative practices. Those mechanisms correlate with instances of speech and silence, which I call modes of (dis-)articulation. What can be said by whom, and in which contexts, is determined by specific places and positions of articulability. Institutions, textual and generical functions, as well as discursive rules, follow a reproductive apparatus. This is discussed in readings of texts by Thomas Aquinas,
Berthold of Regensburg, Albertus Magnus, Richard of Hohenburg, and in the main part of my work in the Eneasroman, Nibelungenlied, Tristan, and Prosalancelot.




Beatrice Michaelis studied English and American studies as well as medieval German literature at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the University of Westminster London. 2005 – 2007 Fellowship at the research training group »Gender as a Category of Knowledge«. 2010 PhD in German Studies. From 2009 to July 2014 postdoctoral researcher and Head of Research Coordination at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Justus-Liebig University Giessen. Between August 2014 and March 2016 Academic Coordinator of the Junge Akademie at the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. From April 2016 to February 14, 2018 Deputy Director for Scientific Management and Coordination of Max Planck International Research Network on Aging (MaxNetAging) and Deputy Chief Research Coordinator of Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock (MPIDR). Since February 15, 2018 Chief Research Coordinator of MPIDR and Deputy Director of MaxNetAging.


Selected Publications


zus. m. Elahe Haschemi Yekani u. Eveline Kilian (Hg.): Queer Futures. Reconsidering Ethics, Activism, and the Political, Farnham 2013.

zus. m. Gabriele Dietze u. Elahe Haschemi Yekani (Hg.): The Queerness of Things Not Queer. Entgrenzungen, Materialitäten, Interventionen. Feministische Studien 30/2 (2012).

Farbspiele in ›Kudrun‹ und ›Parzival‹. In: Farbe im Mittelalter. Materialität – Medialität – Semantik, hg. v. Ingrid Bennewitz u. Andrea Schindler, Bd. 2, Berlin 2011. S. 493 – 503.

(Dis-)Artikulationen von Begehren. Schweigeeffekte in wissenschaftlichen und literarischen Texten, Berlin/New York 2011.

