Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender as a Category of Knowledge

Dr. des. Levke Harders

PhD Project:

Gender and Discipline: A History of American Studies in the United States up to the 1960s



Description of the Project


This work represents a first intellectual history of American studies within the US: specifically I focus on the conceptional and discursive, as well as personal, institutional, and socio-structural situation for women scholars within the discipline. In my dissertation, I discuss interdependencies between gender and discipline in American studies in the United States. I analyze epistemological and discursive, as well as individual, institutional, and structural conditions that were of consequence for the status of academic »outsiders,« especially women.




Levke Harders, studied modern German literature, modern history and gender studies. Doctorate in history in 2011. Research assistant in history of science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin from 2003 to 2007. Research assistant / assistant professor in gender history at Bielefeld University since 2008 as well as executive manager of the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology since 2010. 2005 – 2007 associated member in the Research Training Group »Gender as a Category of Knowledge«.


Selected Publications


American Studies. Disziplingeschichte und Geschlecht. Stuttgart 2013 (im Erscheinen).

zus. m. Ulrike Auga, Claudia Bruns u. Gabriele Jähnert (Hg.): Das Geschlecht der Wissenschaften. Zur Geschichte von Akademikerinnen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt a. M. 2010.

zus. m. Nadin Seltsam: Spurensuche. Helene (1877 – 1944) und Max Herrmann (1865 – 1942). In: Zeitschrift für Germanistik 20/2 (2010), S. 307 – 323.

Studiert, promoviert: Arriviert? Promovendinnen des Berliner Germanischen Seminars (1919 – 1945). Frankfurt a. M. 2004.

