Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender as a Category of Knowledge

Kirsten Möller

PhD Project:

Mutter Heimat: Gender and the Loss of Home in Literature, Film, and Theatre After 1945
(Germany and Poland)



Description of the Project


In my PhD project I examine literary texts, films, and plays concerning the topic of flight, expulsion, and resettlement of German and Polish populations due to World War II. I focus on the period from 1950 to the early-1960s and the period after 1989. My main interest is to find out in which way gendered symbolizations formed the discourse on flight, expulsion, and resettlement.




Kirsten Möller, MA in Modern German Literature and Cultural Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza Poznań, 2009-2013 fellowship at the research training group »Gender as a Category of Knowledge«


Selected Publications


zus. m. Alexandra Tacke: Flucht und Vertreibung. Eine Einführung. In: Handbuch Nachkriegskultur. Literatur, Sachbuch und Film in Deutschland (1945 – 1962), hg. v. Elena Agazzi u. Erhard Schütz, Berlin/Boston 2013 (im Erscheinen).

zus. m. Inge Stephan u. Alexandra Tacke (Hg.): Carmen. Ein Mythos in Literatur, Film und Kunst. Wien/Köln/Weimar 2011.

Wald, Haus, Straße. Christian Petzolds Die innere Sicherheit (2000) & Jan Böttchers Geld oder Leben (2006). In: NachBilder der RAF, hg. v. Inge Stephan u. Alexandra Tacke, Köln 2008. S. 181 – 196.

