Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender as a Category of Knowledge

Aline Oloff

PhD Project:

Feminism in Postcolonial France


Description of the Project


The topic of my dissertation project is feminism in France. I am interested in how the regional and historical context of postcolonial France structures political debates and interventions, as well as theoretical considerations surrounding feminism. How does the feminist movement operate as part of postcolonial French society ? I trace this question in a study on the discussion of racism in the feminist movement and theoretical works, surveying written sources, above all journals and grey literature from 1970 – 2000. There are two level in this analysis: the first is concerned with the metaphorics of feminist debates and interventions, the second focuses on the perception and examination of racism as a social phenomenon.




Aline Oloff studied gender studies and Romance studies in Berlin and Paris. From 2008 to 2011 she was fellow at the research training group Gender as a Category of Knowledge. Since April, 2012 she is part of the DFG research project After Bologna: Gender Studies in Enterpreneurial Universities, at the TU Berlin.


Selected Publications


Feministische Theorie als Kunst des Fragens. In: Feministische Studien 31/1 (2013). S. 149 – 154.

Umstrittene Herrschaft. Feministische Kritiken an Maurice Godelier und Pierre Bourdieu. In: Eingreifen, Kritisieren, Verändern!? Interventionen ethnographisch und gendertheoretisch, hg. v. Beate Binder, Katrin Ebell, Sabine Hess u.a., Münster 2013. S. 116 – 129.

Rezensionsessay: Laura Adamietz: Geschlecht als Erwartung. Das Geschlechtsdiskriminierungsverbot als Recht gegen Diskriminierung wegen der sexuellen Orientierung und der Geschlechtsidentität. In: Feministische Studien 30/2 (2012). S. 329 – 332.


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