Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender as a Category of Knowledge

Lukas Engelmann

PhD Project:

AIDS as a Clinical Picture of Disease: The History of the Normalization of an Epidemic in the View of the AIDS Atlas


Description of the Project


This project follows the development of AIDS in medical atlases since 1986 revealing a medicalvisual history of AIDS. With photographs of diseased bodies, epidemiological mappings, and virus portraits, the examined atlases produce a clinical picture of disease that works towards normalizing AIDS by constantly distancing the image of AIDS from metaphors, identities, and stereotypes. Building on traditions from the history of medicine, the visual strategies analyzed in this project enter a revealing relationship with the visual culture of AIDS. The production of a unique clinical picture of the disease relies on a constant differentiation from popular images and perceptions. This movement towards re-demarcation, however, always already fails in its attempt to cleanse the clinical picture of AIDS. The contingency of the visual mirrors the contingency of the historical, which is the basis for the history of the normalization of AIDS.




Lukas Engelmann studied history and gender studies in Berlin, PhD in history at the Humboldt University, Berlin (2013). Since April 2013 junior research scholar at the Institute and Museum for the History of Medicine at the University of Zurich.


Selected Publications


Übertragungsweg. In: Ortsregister. Ein Glossar zu Räumen der Gegenwart, hg. v. Nadine Marquardt und Verena Schreiber, Bielefeld 2012. S. 287–292.


Ein queeres Bild von AIDS. HIV-Visualisierungen und queere Politiken des Vergessens. In: Feministische Studien 30/2 (2012). S. 245–258.


Eine analytische Bildpraxis. Die pathologisch-anatomischen Zeichnungen Jean Cruveilhiers in ihrem Verhältnis zu klinischen Beobachtungen. In: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 35 (2012). S. 7–24.

