Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender as a Category of Knowledge

Stefanie Kollmann-Obwegeser

PhD Project:

zorn und nît – ira et invidia. Emotions and Vices in Didactic and Narrative Texts in the 12th and 13th Centuries



Description of the Project


Vices and sins can be found in medieval catalogues and treatises on virtue, as well as in theoretical and practical texts. Thus vices such as anger (ira/zorn), envy (invidia/nît) or grief (tristitia/trûer) are not only seen as vicious attitudes or bad qualities but also as emotions/affects. Taking anger and envy as my primary examples, I ask how the relationship between vice and emotions is approached in the aforementioned texts and which scientific traditions discourses and realities are referenced. What role does the category gender play for questions about emotions and vices, and about anger and envy ?



Stefanie Kollmann, 2003 – 2011 German language and literature studies, history and linguistics at Universität Wien. 2011 – 2013 affiliated at the Research Training Group »Gender as a Category of Knowledge«. Since 2010/11 research on emotions in medieval texts and dissertation about emotions and vices in the Middle Ages.


Selected Publications


zus. m. Christina Lutter u. Maria Mair: Einleitung. In: Funktionsräume, Wahrnehmungsräume, Gefühlsräume. Mittelalterliche Lebensformen zwischen Kloster und Hof, hg. v. Christina Lutter, Wien 2011. S. 9 – 16.

Einstellungen zu geschlechtergerechtem Sprachgebrauch im Deutschen, Diplomarbeit, Wien 2010. (

»si suln bêde schamec sîn juncherren unde vröuwelîn«. Emotionsgeschichtliche Ansätze zur Scham im Mittelalter, Diplomarbeit, Wien 2009 (

»Daz ich iu nû antwurten sol, tuot mir anders danne wol.« Das Streitgespräch in Ulrich von Liechtensteins »Frauenbuch«, Diplomarbeit, Wien 2008 ( ).

