Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender as a Category of Knowledge

Prof. Dr. Cecilia Åsberg

"Across national and disciplinary borders, I am immensely proud and honoured to be associated with this Research Training Group in my role as doctoral supervisor. The Research Training Group ›Gender as a Category of Knowledge‹ stands firmly at the cutting edge of interdisciplinary
feminist research and curriculum in Europe. Whether within the setting of InterGender Research
School, other forms of doctoral training and research events, or the research excellence
center GEXcel International Collegium for Advanced Transdisciplinary Research, it is always
a great pleasure to collaborate with such openminded, high-spirited and esteemed colleagues as those at the Research Training Group."

Supervised Theses


Patricia Treusch

Discipline and Institute or University

Gender Studies, Fachbereich Thematic Studies, Linköping


Leitet als Associate Professor an der Linköpings Universitet (Schweden) eine Forschungsgruppe im Bereich Gender Studies. 2012 Stellvertretende Direktorin des GEXcel International Collegium for Advanced Trans- disciplinary Gender Studies. 2010 Habilitation. 2008 Mitbegründerin und seitdem Direktorin der Forschungs- gruppe The Posthumanities Hub. 2005 – 2008 Assistenzprofessorin für Gender Studies an der Universiteit Utrecht. 2005 Verteidigung der Dissertation als erste Doktorandin der Gender Studies in den skandinavischen Ländern. 

Research Focuses

Feminist theory | Technoscience studies (feminist science studies) | Feminist media and cultural studies | Posthuman ethics and feminist posthumanities (eg. environmental humanities, body studies, medical humanities, human animal studies, digital and biological humanities)


Selected Publications


The timely ethics of posthumanist gender studies. In: Feministische Studien 31/1 (2013). S. 7 – 12.

zus. m. Malin Rönnblom (Hg.): NORA Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research (2010 – 2012).

zus. m. Nina Lykke: Feminist Technoscience Studies, European Journal of Women’s Studies 17/4 (2010).

Genetiska föreställningar. Mellan Genus och gener i populärvetenskapens visuella kulturer, Linköping 2005.


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