Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Gender as a Category of Knowledge


The Research Training Group produced a series of publications based on its work. These edited books are either products of conferences or other Research Training Group events, or they were produced by the working groups and discussions amongst the students. 


The group's main focus was the dissertations and habilitations that the German Research Foundation (DFG) supported by funding the Research Training Group. 


A number of publications were published in the series GenderCodes by the transcript-Verlag Bielefeld, which is edited by Christina von Braun, Volker Hess and Inge Stephan. 


GenderCodes understands itself as an academic project that establishes connections between gender research, intellectual history, and epistemology. The series is directed to scholars from all disciplines who address questions of gender in inter- or transdisciplinary ways. In doing so the series creates a public and directs iself towards an audience that is interested in gender research and epistemology.